
Center is an artist-run space with overnight accommodations located in Kanuma, Tochigi. Our key phrase is “Making tomorrow more exciting than today”, it aims to be a base for people who want to discover something new, for travelers, a place for experimental expressive activities, and a unique place where new culture can be fostered.
河野 円 / Madoka Kouno
Director / センター長

神奈川県生まれ。幼少期より音楽に親しみ、学生時代に楽器を手にするも、人の知覚や認識の方に関心が向くようになり、人間科学を専攻する。並行して2003年美学校サウンド/アート表現講座の受講を機に、手元にあったテープレコーダーを使用して自然に起こる現象や変化を観察するようなライブパフォーマンスを行うようになる。2022年より栃木県鹿沼市に移住し、Alternative Space & Hostel “Center”を運営。音に限らず広義の意味でその場に起こっている出来事や繋がりに興味が向きつつある。
Born in Kanagawa. She has been familiar with music since childhood and picked up a musical instrument while a student, however became more interested in human perception and cognition, and majored in human sciences. At the same time, in 2003, she completed a course on “Sound / Art Expression” at Bigakko, after which she began to engage in performances that carefully observe phenomena and changes that occur naturally using tape recorders.
In 2022, she moved to Kanuma, Tochigi from Tokyo and runs Alternative Space & Hostel “Center”. Currently, her interest is not limited to sound, but is also turning to what is happening there and what is connecting with in a broader sense of the word.
田巻 真寛 / Shinkan Tamaki
VICE Director / 副センター長

見たことのないイメージと新しい知覚の気づきを求め、主に映像とそれに関連した作品を制作する。抽象と具象、イメージと音の狭間を行き交う映像、フィルムの物質性を探求した作品などがある。近年は日常の光学現象を観察するビデオ作品の制作、ガラスやプリズムで光を操作するライブパフォーマンスも行っている。ロッテルダム国際映画祭、カナダのメディアシティ映画祭、クアラルンプール国際実験映画&音楽祭など海外での上映とライブも続いている。音と映像の実験場「Sound Screening」主宰。
Artist in search of never-before-seen images and new perceptual experience. He makes mainly moving image and works related to it. There are works which cross between abstract and concrete, sound and image. In some film works, he focused on the materiality of film and applied it as sculpted objects.
Recently, He makes video works which we observe optical phenomena in our daily life. And he also shows live performance that he manipulate lights with glass and prism. The works were screened at International Film Festival Rotterdam(The Netherlands), Media City Film Festival(Canada), Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video & Music Festival(Malaysia), and so on. Organizer of experimental event series in sound and image “Sound Screening”.
東北自動車道 鹿沼ICより15分
1F 月金土オープン
1-1273, Ginza, Kanuma, Tochigi
15-minute walk from Shin-kanuma Sta. (Tobu Nikko Line)
18-minute walk from Kanuma Sta. (JR Nikko Line)
15-minute drive from Kanuma IC on Tohoku Expressway
1F…Free space/Gallery/Cafe/Shop/Event
Open 11am-5pm on Mon, Fri, Sat
2F…Hostel opens 365 days a year