2023.4.29 Passepartout Duo Japan Tour

Open 16:30 / Start 17:00
予約2,000円 / 当日2,500円(1ドリンク込)

Passepartout Duo
Nicoletta Favari (from Italy)
Christopher Salvito (from US/Italy)

Guest : 田巻真寛 (Center)

ピアニストのNicoletta Favari (イタリア) とパーカッショニストのChristopher Salvito (アメリカ/イタリア)によるデュオ。電子音響のテクスチャーや自在なリズムからなる素材を使用し、どのように音を聴き、どのように音と繋がるかを探求している。

Drawing from a carefully selected palette of electro-acoustic textures and shapeshifting rhythms, Passepartout Duo’s work investigates the way in which we listen to and connect with sound. Reassessing the tools they use to create their music, the group is continually developing a specialized and evolving ecosystem of handmade musical instruments that have ranged from analog electronic circuits and conventional percussion, to room-size textile installations and found objects.

