Floris Vanhoof and Lieven Martens from Belgium

ベルギーから2人の要注目アーティストが鹿沼に来ます!Floris Vanhoofは改造した16mmフィルム映写機と電子楽器を持参しマルチメディアパフォーマンスを披露。Lieven Martens a.k.a Dolphins Into The Futureは、日本の秘境レーベルEM Recordsからもリリースしているエキゾ・アンビエント、ニューエイジ新世代を代表する音楽家。一夜で2人を目撃できる、絶好の機会です!!
予約2,000円 / 当日2,500円(1ドリンク付)
Floris Vanhoof
Lieven Martens (aka Dolphins Into The Future)
Floris Vanhoof
Lieven Martens (aka Dolphins Into The Future)
コンセプチュアルな作曲作品や、フィールドレコーディング、アンビエント、現代音楽のはざまで揺れ動くようなライブ演奏を行う。近年はChristina VantzouやSugai Ken らとコラボレーションしている。日本のレーベル「EM Records」からリリースし、自身もエキゾチックなアンビエントレーベルEdições CNを運営する。
30th May 2023
Two Belgian artists to watch out for are coming to Kanuma: Floris Vanhoof brings a modified 16mm film projector and electronic instruments for a multimedia performance; Lieven Martens a.k.a Dolphins Into The Future represents the new generation of exo-ambient and new age music, also released on Japan’s EM Records label. This is a great opportunity to witness two artists in one night!
Floris Vanhoof (°1982, lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium)
is interested in the hybrid forms of music, visual art, and film. His first projections -experimental films on 16 millimeter- evolved towards purely visual experiences which questioned our viewing patterns.
Inspired by structural film and early electronic music, he builds installations, creates expanded cinema performances, and releases his music. Vanhoof makes his own instruments to explore the border between image, light, and sound. As media-archaeologist, he confronts the digitally-spoiled audience with flickering 16mm films and 35mm slide installations – formats doomed to disappear.
He often chooses analog technology because of the greater transparency of the workflow, and because of its rich dynamic range. Cut loose from all nostalgia, he experiments with what used to be considered “hightech.”
Vanhoof searches for new ideas with old media. He translates sound to image and vice-versa by connecting different incompatible media. He is especially curious about the effects his work elicits in the viewer: How does our perception operate? Which new perspectives appear?
Lieven Martens (aka Dolphins Into The Future)
Performs conceptual program music. His live concerts float between field recordings, ambient, and modern classical music. He recently collaborated with Christina Vantzou, Sugai Ken etc. He released on the Japanese label Em Records.