Lynn Loo -film/video screening and performance-
国際的に活躍する実験映画作家であり、フィルムとビデオで音とイメージの関係性を探求するLynn Loo(UK)を迎え、映写機でのパフォーマンスと最新作(日本初公開)の上映を行います。Centerでの滞在制作を予定しているリンのこれまでの足跡をダイジェストでたどる、大変貴重な機会となります。
Open 18:30
Start 19:00
予約2,000円 / 当日2,500円 (ともに1drink 付)
会場 Center
ご予約はメール(info@center-kanuma.net), SNS, 店頭にてお名前・人数・電話番号をお知らせください。
Lynn Loo / リン・ルー
2004年、ロンドンに移り住み、地元の実験映画作家たちの物質主義や構造的思考に、今までの映画の作り方とは全く異なる感覚に気づかされる。その後、日本の和紙を使用したWashiシリーズなど複数台の16mm映写機によるライブ作品を多数制作。多層的な形や動きを投影し、シンプルさの中の複雑さを表現してきた。ここ数年、再び単一画面の上映作品を作り始める。今回上映する「Conversations 2024」は、このプロジェクトの最新作で、日常的なイメージや音とのつながりを探求している。この日は2台の映写機でのパフォーマンスも行います。
Washi #2 (Center特別バージョン)

Autumn Fog

Conversations 2024

Lynn Loo
Bio and statement for Center in Tochigi
With my first film in 1997, I made the transition from teaching music to making films. I studied at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and graduated in 2001. I made single-screen works in 8mm, 16mm and digital video, exploring the dynamism in moving images and sound to form a kind of narrative without words.
Then in 2004, my filmmaking changed when I moved to London. The ideas of materialism and structural thinking by local film artists opened my eyes to a very different sensibility in the making of films. I produced multi-16mm live projection performances such as Vowels series (from 2005), Washi series (from 2014) and End Rolls series (from 2009). In shapes, forms and movement, I found complexity in simplicity.
In the recent couple of years, I have begun to make single-screen works again. Conversations 2024 is the latest in this project where I begin to make connections with everyday images and sound again.
At Center on March 29th, I will present a mixed programme of my 16mm film performance and video works as well as a new piece that I will attempt be make during my stay at Center.
Washi #2 (adapted for Center)
optical sound 1x 16mm & 1x video projectors performance
The film uses various patterns and colours of Washi tape adhered onto 16mm clear film.
Multiple black and white film prints are made from the original reel and presented on three film projectors. The sound is also produced from the printed through lines of the patterns onto the soundtrack side of the film.
Autumn Fog
silent 2x16mm film projection
16mm film is used to capture the light and colours of autumn in my garden. The camera is
stationary while it captures movement of light through nature in the garden. The positive and
negative films are projected together, on top of one another.
Conversations 2024
25mm single-screen video sound
A collection of personal moving images and sounds woven together using video editing
tools in a kind of non-sense narrative. A mix of home videos, captured sounds and unpublished films assembled here with an attempt to find connections, distortions, patterns, plot, rhythms, cycle, rambling, pulse, unhinged.
A work that will be developed at Center.
Total running time: approximately 70-90min